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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Mindful New Years Resolutions

As we turn towards 2014 and close the book on 2013, some of us find it helpful to take stock of our lives and make resolutions for the upcoming year.  This is certainly nothing new. As a DBT therapist, I can't help but wonder, what are some ways in which we can resolve to be more mindful in 2014?

1. Daily Activities - We can practice mindfulness while doing ANYTHING (by itself).  We can mindfully drive a car (no music, no talking on bluetooth, no eating, just focusing on the road), brush our teeth (focus on the taste of the toothpaste, the feel of the bristles on your tongue, etc), do the dishes, and take a shower (focus on the smells, the feel of the soap, etc).  We can mindfully change diapers, prepare dinner, and even type emails.  We can resolve to practice one daily activity mindfully each day; by doing so, we are fully participating in that activity alone and exercising our mindfulness muscle for other times when we may need it.

2. Relationships - We can practice mindfulness while talking on the phone or talking in person to anyone.  We all have had conversations with others while driving, doing the dishes, cleaing up around the house, etc; when we multitask in this way, we always miss out on something.  When we are mindful with others, we give them the gift of our attention which can help to improve the quality of our relationships.

3. Daily Formal Practice - A daily mindfulness practice could entail sitting for 5 minutes each morning and focusing on your breath.  It could also mean walking mindfully to the train station or doing a body scan every evening after dinner. Regardless of which formal practice you choose, we find that people tend to stick with the practice if they schedule it in (even a few minutes is sufficient) and commit to doing it every day. 

We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2014!

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